So things have been a little slowed down at my therapy clinic this week, as more people are realizing the seriousness of the Coronavirus is real. As a health care provider, I soldier on; at least until the time that our hospital shuts us down. There has been talk of pressing us into service on the hospital campus to do temperature screens and other tasks where they may become short handed. So far, that has not happened. Doctors are still ordering physical therapy; it’s at the patients discretion as to whether or not to come. Even if we are busy, the most people we would have is five, so we would be in compliance with the no more than 10 mandate.
I needed something simple, with lots of cheerful color, to knit. When things are really slow, my supervisor is okay with me knitting at work, so long as all the work is caught up. This is Changing Staircases by Dragon Hoard Designs. The yarn is a DK weight wool/cashmere/nylon yarn from Destination Yarns. Great choices for soothing my tired soul. Stay healthy, y’all; and make life DIY!