Happy Sunday evening! Checking in to show the most recent two hats freshly off the needles.

Barley by Tin Can Knits

Hat number 23 is Barley by Tin Can Knits. I gave it to my handsome son, shown modeling it here. He didn’t want to wear it slouchy style, so he’s cuffed it up here. It was such a quick mindless knit, that I quickly cast on hat number 24, Barley Light by Tin Can Knits, which is the fingering weight version of Barley.

Also, I finished the costume for Bug Boy’s next play. I am quite chuffed with how it turned out. Don’t judge me for not matching the print. It was rather dizzying.

Also, Saturday and Sunday were great weather days here. I needed to put some chicken wire at the bottom of the existing garden fence, as we had a couple of holes where critters were getting in and eating some of our plants. This should put a stop to that. I don’t mind sharing some with the wildlife, but last year they ate all the fall cole crops, my green beans, and gnawed on the melons. Hopefully that won’t happen this year.

I still have to put some more wire on one more side, but I’m getting there! Whew , I guess I have been busy. Tomorrow, back to work!